TBO Holidays Hotel XML API Integrated with TassPro and Itinerary HomePR & EventsTBO Holidays Hotel XML API Integrated with TassPro and Itinerary
We would like to announce that TBO holidays hotel XML API Integrated with Global Innovations flagship products TassPro and Itinerary. With XML API integration with TBO Holidays, Travel agencies and travel suppliers get access to global range of 700,000+ hotels and apartments across the world.
API Features
Detailed integration as per TBO guidelines
Certified by TBO
Detailed pricing
Cancellation charges
Rate breakup with taxes
Contract remark
Alerts in case price gets change
Instant confirmation
Voucher issuance
Global Innovation’s TassPro & Itinerary Key Features
Posted by : Global Innovations, Nilofer Baig Viewed 288158 times PR Category :Technology, Computers, Appliances, IT Posted on : Monday, February 24, 2020 11:32:00 AM UAE local time (GMT+4)
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